As we reach the end of year I dread hearing people’s New Year’s Resolutions, it’s an annual circus as so many will fail even before the end of January comes!
The fact is that the world is crying out for men and women who can get things done.
In every company, at every level the ability to take responsibility, commit to a task and see it to completion are rare and valuable talents.
So, as you approach 2018 and reflect on the growth your company, the results of your sales team or your own personal career advancement, why not ask yourself.
What projects have I started but left unfinished this year?
These could be at work or around the home. Do you have any unfinished DIY projects?
Many of us are good starters but poor finishers.
One of the best definitions of excellence I’ve heard is:
Excellence is a commitment to completion.
Too many sales leaders have great strategies, but they fall by the wayside, because they aren’t fully implemented and sadly miss their potential for creating remarkable results.
So, think about the impact on your team and their results if you allow this to happen. Anyone who is asked to commit to taking a certain course of action is bound to ask a simple question.
“How committed is the person asking me to be committed to this task?”
So, your attitude to this quality can either multiply incredible results or dilute the potential of your entire team.
There is simply no substitute for persistent discipline and determination to change behaviours if you want to see performance standards rise to a completely new level.
Closely linked to commitment are the qualities of volition and accountability.
Volition is the power to make your own decisions and accountability to hold yourself to seeing them through.
One task that can help you make this shift is to hold a 1 hour weekly improvement meeting. As a team review any areas that need working on and share your ideas for improving any aspect of the business. Then to-do’s, tasks and deadlines must be assigned after every meeting. The key is not to ask for too much to be completed. Make the gains small but constant. If you’re having these meetings weekly and making small incremental gains each week, think of the profound impact you’re going to have in 52 weeks. A year from now your company or sales team can be massively improved.
So, I’d like to challenge you to set some fresh and meaningful objectives for 2018 backed with a commitment to complete them!
Remember the world has a constant need for more people like you!