Transforming team potential into peak performance

Sales Training, Development & Support
As a sales leader one of your most important roles is to maximise your team’s potential.
Regardless of experience we all need to continually develop new skills, learn fresh approaches and sharpen our effectiveness and motivation.
Today this has never been more relevant, working within a fast paced, competitive and rapidly changing sales environment. Any stale old sales training strategies or out-dated pushy sales techniques simply won’t cut it with your clients or gain you credibility with your team.
We believe that a focus just on selling skills and tactics is too short sighted; your people’s effectiveness will only be maximised via a comprehensive knowledge of today’s new buying process and an in-depth understanding of how to create value for customers throughout their lifecycle.
To transform team potential into peak performance you must consider:
- Sales Training – Tailored and specific training to develop skills and knowledge, combined with personalised implementation plans for support, accountability and results.
- Sales Strategies – Modern relevant strategies for immediate use in today’s competitive and sophisticated sales environment.
- Sales Tools – For effective collaborative coaching between sales leaders and their teams, to ensure knowledge retention and impactful daily implementation.
- Team Implementation Plans – Activity plans to implement new or updated sales strategy and embed a wining sales performance culture.

By combing these elements together we produce a bespoke program that is both engaging and interactive. This proven approach increases knowledge retention and creates an enthusiasm to adopt and implement new strategies and activities.
Our commitment to you is simple – to follow through and support individuals as they implement the new ideas, overcoming any challenges until they achieve great results.
Let’s start a conversation
Whether you are implementing a fresh strategy with an experienced team or hiring and developing new sales talent, find out more about how Peter can maximise your team’s potential.