As a manager you urgently want your team to perform at their best this year.
Question: What is the one activity you can do to ensure this happens?
Answer: Coaching
Problem: Most sales managers don’t have a reliable method to consistently develop the performance of their team.
Why? : Top Reasons.
- Have not been trained to be skilful coaches.
- Don’t spend enough time out in the field to know their people’s needs.
- Prioritise other ‘management’ activities that do little to move the needle on sales results
- Bombarded by senior management demands for reporting, meetings and tasks NOT related to increasing sales.
So here’s my challenge to you if you’re a sales manager reading this.
Ask yourself do I have a reliable consistent method to develop my team’s ability and results?
If the answer is an honest no.
Then stay tuned over the next two weeks I’m going to unpack the secrets to developing and implementing a simple sales management system that will drive the consistent results you crave.
If this subject is relevant and interesting to you right now, let’s get our calendars together and schedule an initial call.
Click here for availability.
Committed to Your Sales Results.