As a leading design-led flooring company BOLON is known globally for innovative product designs and strong brand presence. Following recent investment and expansion of the manufacturing facilities the company is well positioned for extensive sales growth.
To achieve their growth objectives the senior management team identified the need for an improved global sales strategy, to strengthen their existing sales structure, processes and sales team capabilities.
The challenge was to create and implement this strategy globally across diverse sales functions including global key accounts, distribution partner sales, direct business and architectural specification sales routes.
Additionally, the company required improved visibility and control over their sales pipeline information and improved forecast accuracy.
Working together, Peter and the senior management team developed a pragmatic sales strategy that addressed these challenges. By setting clear objectives and linking them to specific sales activities they created an effective sales process. One that was tailored to suit each of the different sales routes to market. By identifying the key metrics they needed to monitor sales activities they were able to improve both visibility and control over the forecast accuracy and sales results.
Wisely, time and resources were invested in training and developing the sales managers as well as the sales people. By improving the sales manager’s ability to use collaborative coaching methods and implementing smart tools to track sales opportunities they improved conversion rates and sales effectiveness.
The Global Key Account Managers also adopted new strategic account planning processes to develop their skills, this increased their ability to engage with contacts across the organization and ensure they added value to help clients achieve their objectives.
This whole process was supported and embedded via a series of implementation sessions working on real life sales opportunities. This enabled the sales team to become comfortable and confident using the new tools and to progress their sales opportunities swiftly through the pipeline to an order.
Since creating and implementing the new sales strategy the company has seen a strong increase in both direct sales and partner distribution markets with sales turnover increasing by 10% in the first 5 months compared to the same period last year. They have also been able to increase the average price / m2 to improve profitability, all within a few months of adopting the new ways of working.
This now places the company in a healthy position to exceed their 2017/18 growth targets.


By meeting us in an open and engaged way he challenged our whole sales organization to take new steps towards success.
Peter has a lot of sales experience. He shows respect for individuals and can also challenge people, when needed – and by asking good questions – help them to look at things in a new and exciting way.
Peter Holland is a great person – I wouldn´t hesitate to consult him again.”

I think that the training was really valuable, over all great and just “spot on”. The planning and tools provided have helped me a lot in focusing on the right customers, and to put my efforts and energy in the right things. It has really helped me in my daily work. Thanks!”
BOLON, Sweden

I think this work will help us focus and analyze our own work better. The way we use this planning will form our style and company along the way and we will find our own way of working.
For me personally it has most valuable to analyze the clients and really find out who is bringing business. It gives me the freedom from guilt since it is impossible anyway to take care of all the architect customers to the same level.”
BOLON, Finland

You know, having more than 20 years experience working in sales, you develop a focus on the important things, topics or clients automatically.
But it´s always good to get a reminder and some fresh ideas and to think about to optimize your daily work. Thank you for your insights and development.”
BOLON, Germany
Armstrong World Industries
Following the relocation of their individual European Country offices to one centralised Customer Service centre based in Prague, C. Republic. Armstrong needed to get the newly recruited team performing to a high standard and re-establish good customer relations with their key distributor partners across Europe.
Armstrong asked Peter to help them overcome significant customer relationship and communication problems and to rebuild the trust and rapport with their distributor network following the move.
From the outset the Armstrong management team set the goal of creating a real centre of excellence for customer service in their industry.
To achieve this Peter created a development program to assist the Customer Service Team improve their communication skills. Focusing on their ability to build rapport and customer relationships quickly and sincerely.
He also consulted with management to create meaningful and personalized telephone customer surveys with a structured follow up and implementation plan to resolve the issues raised by customers.
Following completion of the personalized customer surveys and the implementation of brief monthly follow up calls. The CS managers found communication and openness greatly improved. As evidence of this, the teams started to receive positive feedback from customers on their efforts. One notable reason mentioned, was that customers found it refreshing that their survey comments were actually addressed and they were given specific feedback on the issues raised; something they had not experienced previously. They felt the level of personal interest and commitment from the COS team had made the difference in how they viewed their relationship with the new Prague team.

Armstrong Building Products, Europe & AME
Deltalight – Architectural Lighting
An improved Sales process and effective communication skills with clients gave Deltalight increased sales and higher conversion rates.
When Deltalight and Peter started working together they had little visibility over their sales forecast or accountability from the sales team. The main focus of their conversations with clients focused on introducing their latest collection of products, rather than gaining an in-depth understanding of the client’s situation before focusing on creating solutions.
As they worked together with Peter, the Deltalight management team were quickly able to improve three key areas.
- They gained clarity over their sales process and established clear Sales Stages in the CRM everyone understood.
- They improved their forecast accuracy by producing a sales process the team saw individual benefit in following.
- They improved the quality of their client meetings.
Peter focused on creating a training and development program to improve the sales team’s communication skills. Enabling them to focus on the client’s needs rather than on their own products. By developing their questioning and active listening abilities they gained more relevant information and were able to provide suggestions and tailored solutions that added real value to their client’s situation.
The new process has reduced wasted sales effort, improved forecasting and increased sales. They also have an excellent coaching environment where managers and sales people work collaboratively using simple but effective tools to track projects successfully to order.
This improved the fluctuating conversion rates from 1 in 4 to a consistent 1 in 2 hit rate which grew turnover 11% last year and allowed the sales target (5.5m) to be met. One of their sales team improved his results 400% from £300,000 in the previous year to £1.2m in sales this last business year. Overall the team is now of a much higher quality and confidence.

Solus Ceramics
Situation / Challenge:
Following a very successful sales career Stephen Baker was appointed as Sales Director at Solus Ceramics. He wanted to achieve significant growth targets and double existing company turnover to £20m within a 2-3 year period. To achieve this goal he needed to ensure the sales team were fully educated in modern sales management practices and able to reach their full potential. In particular he needed to gain clear visibility and control over the sales pipeline and forecast.
Firstly, Peter and Steve worked together to create and implement a structured sales process for his pipeline which improved control and visibility of the sales forecast. They also identified the need for better organisation of the internal sales support team. This improvement enabled the sales team to dedicate more time to meeting customers. Then, via a series of workshops and one-on- one coaching Peter helped the team develop modern prospecting approaches and improved communication skills for their client meetings.
Following this strategic sales development and supported implementation, sales rapidly increased from £11.2 million in March 2014 to £14.3m by March 2015.
By Q3 December 2015 sales totaled £14.3m with a projected final figure of £19 million for the year ending March 2016. This represents a 70% increase in sales within 24 months. Placing the company in an excellent position to reach and exceed their original sales growth target next year.