All posts by Peter Holland


A Great Sales Lesson from Sergio Garcia at the 2017 Masters

Last weekend we were entertained by a wonderful sporting experience in the 2017 Masters Golf tournament. Watching Sergio Garcia win his first major at the 74th attempt was amazing to witness!

As one of the world’s top 10 professionals I’d always assumed he’d achieved this goal previously since turning pro back in 1999. So, I was surprised to learn to read his bio, the many ups and downs in his professional career. On so many occasions he has come frustratingly close to achieving this goal. But I also came to appreciate the quality of this man’s great persistence.

Sport can teach us so many great lessons to improve our sales, business and personal lives.

It was fascinating to learn during his post-match interview, when asked about his achievement he mentioned the fact that he had been working on improving his positive mind-set and the impact this had on his calmness and mental strength.

In working with hundreds of sales professionals I’ve had the privilege to observe first-hand the powerful effect that persistence and a positive mind-set have on your levels of performance.

Keep on keeping on” is an often quoted sporting motto, but in reality, such perseverance doesn’t happen as often as it should. And in business that persistence is even rarer.

In fact one of the key ingredients of good selling is persistence; in the selling context, the “final whistle” is when the prospect says “I definitely don’t want your product or service so please stop contacting me.”

Until this point, there is always an opportunity to do business together.
So why do so many business people make the classic mistake of giving up too early?

These statistics produced by the National Sales Executive Association in the U.S make scary reading for any of us responsible for sales; in particular sales & marketing managers.

  • 48% of sales people never follow up with a prospect after the first business meeting;
  • 25% of sales people never make a second contact;
  • 12% of sales people only make up to 3 contacts and then stop;
  • 10% of sales people make more than 3 contacts;

These statistics are evidence of what amounts to a huge waste of time, money and effort. If you have targeted potential customers properly and then spent half an hour trying to sell to them (or probably more – a lot more), failure to follow through is like throwing money away.

If we contrast these statistics with figures based on contacts and sales success – where a “contact” covers meetings, letters, emails, phone calls etc. – we get a very interesting story:

  • 2% of sales are achieved on the first contact;
  • 3% of sales are achieved on the second contact;
  • 5% of sales are achieved on the third contact;
  • 10% of sales are achieved on the fourth contact;
  • 80% of sales are achieved on the fifth to twelfth contact.

It’s also interesting to note the reasons why people stop buying;

  • 1% die;
  • 3% relocate;
  • 5% follow recommendations;
  • 9% find an alternative supplier whose products or service they perceive as  better quality or value;
  • 14% are dissatisfied with the product or service;
  • 68% stop buying because of their supplier’s indifference: they take their business elsewhere because they feel undervalued.

Although these figures are quite astonishing, they represent an amazing opportunity; what is required to put this right is not difficult. One of the main reasons why follow-up is executed so badly is because people don’t realise they are doing it wrong.

The key point to take away is this: making lots of contacts delivers the goods. It doesn’t look pushy or, worse, desperate. In some business sectors the time from first contact to first contract may be as much as a year, and is often more, yet people stop making those contacts.

If 68% of buyers move to a new supplier because they feel undervalued, you can reasonably suppose that a similar proportion don’t buy in the first place for the same reason. Staying on the case is tough, but it produces the results.

All too often salespeople are wasteful with leads, they will quickly move on, always chasing the low hanging fruit. The perceived easy sale goes to the top of the pile regardless of the overall potential value other contacts may offer.

The result is that opportunities are wasted. Instead focus on creating and developing meaningful relationships with potential and existing clients.

So, all that said, how do you do the follow-up without turning yourself into a pesky stalker?

This is very important because it is where most of the problem lies. Phone calls and emails are cheap and easy methods of keeping in touch, so they are repeatedly used for follow-ups, but often salespeople can’t think of anything fresh to say so they don’t bother.
So it’s worth investing the time to create some ‘White Papers’ or ‘Position Statements’ stating your company’s position on current issues in the sector. These are non-promotional, and should be filled with pragmatic information that will add value to your prospect.

Additionally, why not create Client Case Studies that high-light the challenges faced, solutions provided and results that were achieved provide potential customers with valuable insights.

Phone calls and emails form an important part of the process, but are not the whole process. Just as Sergio has an arsenal of different shots to get the ball in the hole, so should you. Attend industry events and meet up with them there, invite them for demonstrations at your office. Offer to take them for a drink or lunch. If you have corporate events invite them along. You and your contacts need variety to keep things fresh and keep them receptive to your message.

Record what works. One of the best pieces of advice I ever heard was this: ask why you got the order. You can then replicate that process every time. If you note down why you got the order, along with recording what contacts work; you have a ready-made business structure which you can use time and time again.

One of the benefits of knowing these figures is that it helps justify your persistence. If you look back through your database, it is extremely likely that you will come across a number of prospective clients that weren’t followed up properly.

Contact them and apologies; you might even quote some of these statistics to justify re-starting your conversation! You may just discover that they are now ready to buy.
A customer buys your service and products either regularly or from time to time, either way the needs of the business will change. Last year’s information may well be out of date and if you don’t maintain contact, you won’t know what has changed and you could lose a valuable client or miss out on an important prospect. Remember: making lots of contacts delivers the goods. So let persistence pay off for you.


How Do You Give Advice?

As a sales manager one skill to master is the ability to give advice in a way that helps the other person to develop their own potential. Here are three key principles to excel in in this area.

  1. Discern the Real Situation.
    In order to give good advice, we must understand the circumstances and viewpoint of the one seeking assistance. To illustrate: If someone called you and asked for the best way to get to your home, what would you need to know in order to help? Could you advise him of the best route to take without first knowing his present location? Of course, not! Likewise, providing proper guidance requires discerning the present “location” – the circumstance and viewpoint – of the one seeking direction. Could there be extenuating circumstances that might affect our response? Without proper knowledge of a situation, we might give advice that causes a person to become even more confused.

    Determine How Much Research He Has Done.

    It may also we wise to ask the person seeking advice such questions as: “What principles do you think apply?” “What are the apparent advantages and disadvantages of the options before you?” “What research have you already done?” “What help have others, already provided you?”

    The answers may help us to discern how much effort the person has already put into finding an answer. Also, our counsel will take into account what others may already have said. We may also discern whether the person is basically seeking advice that will ‘tickle his ears’ with the advice he wants to hear.

  1. Avoid Hasty Responses.
    With good intentions, we may respond quickly. But would that usually be wise, especially if we are discussing a topic we have not thoroughly researched? Take the time to make sure that your approach is in full harmony with company practice and current industry regulations and employment law. If you are put on the spot don’t be afraid to say you need a little time to look into a situation before responding.

    None of us have all the answers and it matters more to people that you care enough to give the right advice than pretend to know it all. Remember that good intentions alone may not be enough. If we are not careful, even a sincere person could offer inaccurate advice. How important to think before we speak! After all our experience is limited and we are constantly learning ourselves as we meet new situations.

  1. Avoid Trying to Make Decisions for Others.
    In the end, each person needs to choose for himself which counsel and advice to follow. We should allow people the freedom to decide and ultimately, the person seeking advice should make his own decision. If we don’t do this what will be the likely outcome?

    If we are in the habit of telling people what to do, they will not make progress in using their own reasoning ability. They will not develop fully and will continue to wait for you to tell them what to do. This lack of confidence in their own decision making ability will ultimately affect their results and effectiveness, together with absorbing a lot of your time.

    Therefore, our goal in managing and coaching is the development of people not the organisation of things. We must use questions to draw out the other person and understand ‘where they are’ then to help them reach the right conclusion on their own. Then we will have a team of confident and effective people who are daily developing their own abilities and increasing their value to us and the company as a whole.


How easy are you to deal with?

I just returned from a recent trip with clients in Europe and I wanted to share with you some of the insights we had, as I feel they can add value to all our companies.

We were discussing the key values that drive this company, and one that was important to them was the aspect of, being ‘easy to deal with’ from their customers point of view.

So, as a way of challenging and confirming if this value were true, we did an exercise to map out the customer’s journey through the entire sales process and beyond. We looked at all the touch points of where, when and how we interacted with them.

What we discovered was very enlightening, from the completed map we could see some gaps in service levels and some elements of duplication, other processes involved several individuals unnecessarily in the same department, and still others involved the customer in taking too many additional steps.

What is interesting is that this company is a well-run customer focused organisation with good customer service.

However, without stepping back and getting a better customer’s perspective it’s easy for systems and processes to evolve which serve our own individual department’s needs rather than the customers!

So, I’d like to strongly encourage you to do a Spring clean!

Reflect on whether you are really organised for your customers to easily interact with you across all touchpoints and departments, not just at one specific phase but throughout their customer journey.

This mapping process is so valuable as you can identify areas for improvement.

In the example above, we could drop certain steps in the customer service process to make problem resolution faster for the customer. We also filled the communication gaps between sales and customer service, so the sales people had real-time information on customer issues.

Cleaning up and streamlining these areas made them more efficient and delivered even higher service levels to their customers.

How often have you called a company and been transferred to several departments and having to explain your issue every time!

Let’s set a goal to make sure that isn’t our firm!

It would be great to hear your thoughts and comments so why not drop me a line?

Happy Spring Cleaning!


Focus on your Win Rate to smash your sales goals!

When you look are the various options available to improve sales performance, improving your hit rate has to be your number one focus. It’s the key to working smarter rather than harder!

The interesting thing is, even a small incremental improvement can have a significant impact on your sales results.

For example:

If a sales person creates 50 sales opportunities a year with an Average sale of £100,000.00

The difference between an average sales organisation with a 40% hit rate and a top performing one with a 60% hit rate equates to a cool £1m in additional sales:

Total sales @ 40% £2,000,000 versus Total Sales @ 60% £3,000,000

Even if your sales person improved their Win Rate by 5-8% it would deliver an extra £250-400,000 in sales. A significantly figure in their sales results with the additional benefit of a reduction in the amount of time, energy and company resources they waste on lost opportunities.

So, what are these top performing companies doing differently from the rest?

When comparing the research on top-performing sales organisations with the average ones, several key factors stand out.

  1. They are focused on driving value for their customers.
  2. They are maximising the use of a clear sales process.
  3. They are actively using Opportunity Management tools.
  4. Management is committed to developing sales skills & prioritise training.

Organisations with this developed and mature sales structure and process are achieving significantly higher win rates and enjoying lower attrition rates within their top performing sales people.

Why not find out how you stake up against Top-Performing Sales Organisations and learn the best ways to improve sales performance for your company.

By identifying the strengths and areas for improvement across the whole team you can put in place a growth plan to rapidly and effectively move your performance to the highest level.

It would be great to hear your thoughts and ideas, and further the conversation, so why not drop me an email at


Four Keys to Consistently Grow Your Global Key Accounts

Key Account Management is more critical than ever for two main reasons.

Firstly, because fewer customers represent a larger share of your sales, and

Secondly, your efforts to grow and expand your business hinge on your best people learning the skills needed to succeed in this complex environment.

So why is Global Account Management challenging?

It’s more complex in size and scope involving multiple stakeholders and attracting heavier competition.

Additionally, many organisations’ struggle to implement and enforce global strategy on a local basis. The local centres often have P&L responsibility and a lot of power, and it’s not uncommon to be dealing with founding owners that have been acquired. They frequently have different markets, strategies and agendas all of which can knock your strategy off course.

With this backdrop, what are the keys to successfully managing key accounts?

Here are four keys that help to drive consistent success on a global scale.

  1. Building Consensus – Endeavour to build a consensus of agreement with the local CEO, CTO & CFO. Do that by trying to understand the relative local business priorities. You may not achieve complete consensus but rather a long way towards it. So, for example, is their priority reducing cost, avoiding risk or increasing speed? This understanding of the local situation is vital as you must come to a balance where each of the local countries can deal with the strategy. Once this type of baseline agreement is signed up to, it forms the basis for change. And it really helps focus the mind, fosters debate and allows everyone to move forward with relative consistency.
  1. Beware commoditization – For many of these local countries, there is the constant pressure to reduce cost and increase speed. The temptation is to move into a commoditized mode where you simply create and deliver your product or service in a ‘manufacturing style’.

And that’s a dangerous position because so many people do provide a good basic service.

So, if you are drawn into providing a commodity you can very easily be beaten by a competitor.

It’s easy to fall into the trap of not taking the time to stop and truly align with the business.

Taking this time is vital to allow you to plan how you can bring real value to the customer.

We must take the time to think how we can leverage our own organisation to bring something remarkable to the customer that will differentiate ourselves.

One key to doing this is to move from a ‘CONTENT’ focus to a ‘CONTEXT’ focus. Instead of focusing on your product or service, broaden your frame of reference. Think of how your solution can impact the customer’s total commercial situation.

  1. Solution Trends – As the trend moves away from providing products and services to clients and over to the delivery of value based solutions. So, the level of complexity increases, accentuating the need for standardisation both externally and internally. For the external teams, this must allow them to focus on value-based selling and in capturing within CRM an increased quality of customer information.

Internally, there is a strong requirement for supportive processes and a dedicated aligned client team to allow for the solutions to be scalable and repeatable.

  1. Create a Winning Formula – Global and National key account management can get complex, so think about it a way that makes common sense and doesn’t give you a migraine!

One way is to create a formula that breaks it down into elements that you and your supporting team can act on in a consistent way.

In hospital, operating theatres, doctors and surgeons have checklists, so do military jet pilots.

But why? Since they are highly trained, intelligent professionals?

Because it dramatically reduces the failure rates.

To create world-class service levels on global accounts you need to have these checklists in place across the customer buying process at each touch point. Sales, admin-support, customer service, production, logistics and day two support and service.

Here’s one way to think about this formula:

Success = Relationship x Knowledge x Process x Integration x Value

Let’s add some detail to each of these elements.

  • Relationships – Who are the stakeholders, influencers and decision makers?

Ultimately, these relationships are built on trust.

What is Trust?

Trust is their ‘buy in’. They truly believe you really understand what they are trying to achieve and want to help them achieve it.

One key factor is establishing shared values and goals from both professional & personal perspectives.

You understand their Concerns & Issues.

You know the Strategic Initiatives they are focused on delivering.

You understand their Personality Style and how they like to communicate.

To understand your customer, you need to know their:

  • Organisational Chart
  • Influencer Groups
  • Roles & Involvement
  • Buying Process

All this information will allow you to create a Stakeholder Map. (fig 1.)


Research the industry

  • History
  • Objectives
  • Concerns / Problems
  • Organisational Structures
  • Government Regulations
  • Terminology

Know the Organisation

  • Strategy
  • Financials
  • Objectives & needs
  • Priorities
  • Research Sources
  • Associations
  • Trade shows
  • Trade Publications
  • Social Media

If you do your homework well this level of understanding and knowledge will enable you to provide timely insights to senior decision makers that make interacting with you a valuable experience.


What is change? Fundamentally, for most organisations it involves 3 stages:

  • Moving from current state (threat) through a
  • Transition state (uncomfortable) to a
  • Future state (opportunity)

So, we need to understand their decision-making criteria.

What’s important to them? And what is the process they go through to make their decisions.

To help us understand this process it’s good to see things from the decision makers’ perspective.

  • Step 1. Awareness – Do I have a problem? Does it justify action?
  • Step 2. Assessment – How should I solve it?
  • Step 3. Apprehension – What if it doesn’t work?
  • Step 4. Action – How do I get started?
  • Step 5. Adoption – Is this working?


One of the best ways to achieve a meaningful integration is to create a mutual action plan.

Via a Quarterly Business Review Meeting discover :

How can we help and work together?

What is key to your business growth?

When does it have to happen?

Who will need to be involved?

Status – What do we need to do to move ahead? Go / No Go?

Aligning Internal Resources is Critical to customer confidence. (see fig 1.)

Move from thinking of Product.

Move to thinking of solutions.

Focus on:

  • Joint Planning
  • Integrated processes
  • Collaborative Projects
  • Business Impact


Widen your perspective and see this relationship with 20 x 20 Vision.

Then you will be more aware of multiple opportunities over next 3 years, not just one current deal.

Learn to articulate your value in these key areas:

  • Customer’s business objectives
  • How your Solutions offer unique value
  • Use EMOTION – Share Stories of other successful individuals
  • Use LOGIC – Build your business case – Show Financial Justification.
  • Document it & Defend it.

Using these 4 Keys you can establish a strong foundation that allows global strategy to be successfully implemented whilst respecting and developing long term customer relationships.


Which of the 3 Ways to Motivate Your Team Are You Using?

Motivation is a fragile thing one minute it’s there the next it’s gone! Disappearing like the Spring morning mist.

If you are a sales manager maintaining your team’s level of motivation is a key priority. You know how important it is to them achieving top sales results.

However, here’s the challenge, you are under pressure to deliver results and it’s easy to fall into the trap of choosing the wrong way to motivate your team.

There are only three alternatives.

Coercion   – You’re using force and threats to try and motivate people to action. This ultimately is weak as it only works if you’re present. And as soon as your absent people will return to their previous behaviour.

Peer Pressure – You’re using normative or peer pressure to motivate the individual, “everyone else is doing this… why aren’t you?” But this type of approach is not very effective. It’s prone to the fickle nature of the group who can readily change their ideas or position.

Enlightened Self-interest – This is really the only effective method to motivate because motivation is an inside job, not an external one. It’s   based on the individual’s level of self-interest.

Enlightened manager’s sense this and they look to ensure that along with the achievement of company objectives, the sales person links their results with specific personal goals they want to achieve. As a manager, this involves taking a personal interest in the sales person and devoting time to get to know what motivates them personally. It’s an investment of your time and energy. But here’s my question. What’s the alternative?

Ultimately, what price would you put on having a highly motivated sales team?


Avoiding The Slippery Slopes In Planning Your CRM Project!

Planning a CRM program can be as simple as building consensus with the key stakeholders all of whom have a vested interest in customer retention. Or a complex endeavour involving a multi-month project to discover all the requirements via individual interviews with stakeholders from across the company.

Two recent experiences have highlighted the importance of ensuring you have integration within your CRM.

The first situation was in dealing with a major appliance manufacturer. I had the unfortunate situation of replacing two dishwashers in the same month but they had two different delivery addresses.

when the customer service representative asked me if I’d like to add any other appliances to the servicing and protection plan she unfortunately had no idea I was the same individual, who the week before had purchased a new machine and already registered the other appliances.

Despite my account name and payment details being exactly the same, because the delivery address was wrong she wasn’t able to view the full account details.

I’m sure you have experienced similar situations as you get past from one department to another and having to explain your situation numerous times!

Why does this happen?

One key factor is the company has never really mapped out their sales process from the CUSTOMERS perspective.

Often if you ask about the sales process you are shown an internal document or flow chart which looks organised but as this example shows is not customer focussed.

In addition companies are running their CRM systems in silos where sales, marketing and customer service information is not communicated holistically together.

Many well-intentioned firms are selecting and implementing CRM systems only to discover these missing links too late. So, if you’re looking to make improvements or implement a new system from scratch you need to ensure you and your CRM vendor are crystal clear on all the routes customers come to you and the inter-connected paths they follow through your various departments on the customer journey.

Without a clear customer focus how will you



How Can You Make Your Board Meetings 100% More Effective Overnight?

Nearly every board meeting, committee or city hall meeting I’ve ever attended, unless it was chaired by a very skilled individual, vacillated between strategy and tactics. They were all over the place! This lack of clarity causes many organisations to never really decide on anything.

A simple equation that clarifies this situation is:

A strategy is WHAT TO DO…… Tactics are HOW TO ACHIEVE IT.

So, are you talking about What you want to achieve or How you want to do it?

This is important because there is a huge difference in starting points.

One is Strategic the other is Tactical.

The cause of the problem is, you can’t decide on tactics until you decide what you want to do.

As an example, say you wanted to grow sales by 25%. So, you start discussing the various options:

  1. Focus on new product sales.
  2. Develop existing customer spend.
  3. Focus on new business sector opportunities.

Then someone says, “we could run a series of exhibitions for the new products.” And there you go moving off course, straight into tactics before you have decided on the most appropriate strategy.

Too often in management meetings, the line between strategy and tactics get confused.

So, the next time you’re in the boardroom, make your time much more effective by deciding if it’s WHAT or HOW you are deciding on.

This simple but powerful shift can see your meeting pace and productivity soar.



Like The Emperor’s New Clothes… Is Your CRM Giving You A False Sense Of Control?

How many firms really possess accurate information on their sales forecast and overall sales pipeline?

Take a walk around the departments in your organisation and you will see many departments that are much more advanced than sales. They enjoy a fundamental understanding of their internal workings, and are able to direct their day to day business with confidence toward their ultimate objectives.

Finance for example has a strong set of metrics with clearly understood implications. Any finance professional can easily analyse and discuss the relationships among income statements, balance sheets and cash flow. It’s a common language, they have a discipline.

Manufacturing too has a set of recognised processes to control and direct production. Ask any plant manager and he can give you a list of standard measures such as throughput, defects and quality control with a clear understanding of how one impacts the other to guide higher performance.

Then you get to the Sales team, somehow we’ve evaded the management structure and professional discipline of our peer groups! There is no sales equivalent of GAAP.

Compared to finance and manufacturing, the discipline of sales is still in its infancy.

CRM, Reporting, and a false sense of Control.

When information technology came along sales had no real formal operating instructions for itself. Most sales managers today work from their own personal experience, opening the door to widely differing approaches.

The result, sales CRM systems were layered on top of unstructured processes and inconsistent execution.

Simply put sales automated its own form of chaos.

Resulting in CRM reporting giving us a false sense of control.

We have to realise that just because we have ‘Visibility’ of an action does not equate to having control over it.

Watching is not the same as directing the battle on the field.

We have Greater visibility but not greater control.

It’s true CRM has given us the power to see the sales force but it hasn’t given us the instructions for what to do with this new found visibility.

What’s at the heart of the problem?

We’re missing the operating instructions for a sales force.

One of the reasons for this is that we don’t truly understand how the numbers work.

The core issue is not IT or Reporting its Sales Management.

Companies have focused on training sales people not sales managers. Believing that Great sellers evolve into Great managers. Well in my opinion that’s a definite maybe.

Sales Management today is a science of rigorous measurement and tracking to producing consistent high performance.

Sales managers are now being viewed by many as an even greater point of leverage over sales performance than front line sales people. They are the primary source of reinforcement for training and they are the main channel of communication between executive leadership and the front line.

It’s the sales managers who are the ones equipping them for battle and giving them their marching orders. So the most painful need in most sales forces today, are well-trained, capable sales managers. I believe that the frontline sales manager is the most powerful point of leverage in any sales force, and providing him or her with the right training and tools to manage her sales people will pay dividends far into the future.

In the boardroom, senior executives often focus much of their time and energy on reviewing the business results, figures that relate to outcomes rather than activities.

The problem is Activities can be managed – Outcomes can’t. So sales managers need to develop an understanding of how the numbers work.

In a recent survey, sales leaders were asked to provide a list of the key metrics that they found the most meaningful in driving the performance of their sales teams.

In total, respondents sited over 300 different Metrics considered to be keys to effective sales management.

You would hope to find common patterns for how smart leadership chooses to organise various sales force metrics. Companies that have invested millions in IT infrastructure and spent decades refining their reports would have settled on a best-practice method of categorising their key performance indicators.

Much to the contrary, the results found absolute chaos.

It’s interesting to note that the survey identified three distinct levels of sales force metrics.

  1. Sales Activities, which are highly manageable and whose associated metrics can be moved at will.
  2. Sales Objectives, which can be directly influenced and whose associated metrics can be driven by managing certain Sales Activities.
  3. Business Results, which are wholly unmanageable but whose associated metrics are determined by the achievement of specific Sales Objectives.

This demonstrates that as sales managers we need to focus on creating clear links from our desired results to our sales objectives. But ultimately the only way to create a true sense of control and visibility is to actively track the key sales activities.

By focusing on the right metrics we can predictably link the business results desired in the boardroom with the sales activities on the ground. We can help sales managers drowning in a sea of data to focus their attention on the few metrics that really matter. Enabling them to give their sales teams clear direction on how to achieve their sales objectives. Finally we will be on the right track in creating a clear set of operating instructions to drive sales teams consistently to higher performance.



Leverage Your Uncertainty for Peak Performance!

We all should learn to live with an amount of uncertainty in life that’s only normal!

But early in the year it’s easy to let these feelings of doubt and uncertainty take over as you think about achieving this year’s business target.

Today, I’d like to share with you an experience that I think you will be able to relate to and offer a powerful suggestion to leverage this issue to impactfully improve your mindset and results.

The challenge is to manage this situation and then leverage it to improve your performance further.

In the last few weeks, I’ve been working with a talented sales manager who’s dealing with this issue. We’ll call her Jenny to protect confidentiality and the innocent from Interpol!

Despite setting a solid sales strategy and implementation plan in January, she seemed to be losing momentum.

When we analysed it together we discovered her real issue was the habit of ‘self-editing ‘.

You know what I mean, the questions your mind comes up with, second guessing your decisions and causing doubt about the rightness or validity of your plans.

In Sales, it can manifest itself in many ways. You stop making all the calls you should to prospects, you even start second guessing, if a planned meeting will be that productive or not.

As a manager, you hesitate to drive you plans through with the team or neglect their 1-2-1 pipeline meetings or coaching.

What’s the key to leveraging this situation to your benefit?

Here are 21 Words which capture it in a nutshell.

“Our main business is not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what lies clearly at hand.”

Sir William Osler

Every time you take the needed action you will see this doubt and second guessing start to fade. Your momentum starts to rise and you attract new opportunities to yourself.

The reality of course is that there is an abundance of new opportunities every day, ones where your products and services can to add real value to others.

So, stop ‘self-editing’ and throw yourself into the actions that lies clearly at hand!

The results will follow.

Happy and Successful Selling.
