Adapting Your Mindset For 2021 Success

During the first lockdown we pushed through and dealt with unprecedented circumstances. This was a flight or fight response driven on adrenaline and we did a great job of adjusting and holding things together at work and home.

But now most people are feeling the fatigue that this adrenaline approach creates.

So, what should be your approach in 2021?

With ongoing restrictions and uncertainty what changes do you make to be successful long term?

Imagine driving down the motorway speeding, tense, stressed and focusing hard as you overtake in the outside lane.

If you actually arrive in one piece how do you feel?

Did you get there any faster? 10-20 minutes max.

Compared with driving at a consistent speed with a quick coffee break en route, staying sane and enjoying the journey.

In 2021 changing our viewpoint to identify the key activities that produce the most impact, value and results is central to building resilience and long-term wellbeing.

Keep our objectives and goals but be kinder to ourselves and others in achieving them.

Create new positive daily work patterns, ensuring regular joy breaks to connect with friends, and time outside in the fresh air!

Previously you probably felt achievement from your ‘busy’ momentum, commuting, office meetings etc.

The destination maybe the same but would a different route or KPI signposts along the way improve how you get there?

Why can’t we make this journey more enriching and worthwhile?

Now’s the time to reflect and plan a rational and coherent approach that will keep you positive throughout 2021.

Committed to Your Sales Success

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The Sales Strategist Book Image - Peter Holland